Medios masivos, parodia y discurso lúdico en La tía julia y el escribidor de Mario Vargas Llosa y Óscar y las mujeres de Santiago Roncagliolo
Medios masivos, parodia y discurso lúdico en La tía julia y el escribidor de Mario Vargas Llosa y Óscar y las mujeres de Santiago Roncagliolo
By:Hemil García Linares (George Mason University graduate)
Published on 2014 by
The following thesis analyzes and contrasts two South American novels, Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter by Mario Vargas Llosa & Oscar and His Women by Santiago Roncagliolo, with the purpose of researching and demonstrating the constant use of Mass Media and Parody in narrative written in XX & XXI centuries in that part of the continent. The authors describe reality through fiction using TV and Radio scripts to distort the real world. Thus the writers look into classic and modern literature through intextextuality, writing melodramatic stories that are seemingly tragedy, but, in effect, are truly parodies. are really parodies. The theorical framework of this thesis is based on critics such as Gerard Genette, Mikhail Bakhtin, Martín-Barbero, Ángel Rama, Benedict Anderson, and Efraín Kristal, among others. The first chapter focuses exclusively on mass media and the impact it has on literature, using as a starting point the novel Boquitas Pintadas by Manuel Puig. The second chapter has a central theme that involves the tale, narrative techniques, and biography to portray the characters and their lives have certain reminiscent of the lives of authors Vargas Llosa and Roncagliolo. In the third chapter the diegetic universes of both novels are analyzed to understand the order and chaos proposed by our authors. Finally, the fourth chapter examines the literary values and |shortcomings| of Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter and Óscar and las mujeres profoundly and how they create the parody that surrounds the TV and radio scripts. In the conclusions it is explained the reasons, motivations, success, and failures that result in the mediation between what is considered cultured (literature) and what is popular (melodrama.).
This Book was ranked at 40 by Google Books for keyword Boquitas pintadas.
Book ID of Medios masivos, parodia y discurso lúdico en La tía julia y el escribidor de Mario Vargas Llosa y Óscar y las mujeres de Santiago Roncagliolo's Books is D2EptAEACAAJ, Book which was written byHemil García Linares (George Mason University graduate)have ETAG "2q+bzHKNmVM"
Book which was published by since 2014 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is and ISBN 10 Code is
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